Risk Signal: SSN Check
The Jumio eKYC SSN (Social Security Number) check service allows a customer to submit personal identifiable information from applicants within the United States. The SSN check service confirms that a name, address, and Social Security Number are valid and connected to the end user.
This service connects to US data sources such as credit bureaus, SSA, utilities, telecom, USPS, bell companies, and other proprietary sources.
Service Name | Description | Required Fields | Verifiable Fields |
SSN Verification | Input is verified against the US data sources such as credit bureaus, SSA, utilities, telecom, USPS, bell companies, and other proprietary sources. |
Name, Address and SSN Optional: Date of Birth (DOB) |
Supported Credentials
The following values can be uploaded as Prepared Data. Alternatively, they can be extracted by an upstream capability in a workflow.
Key | Type | Mandatory | Description |
firstName | string | yes | |
lastName | string | yes | |
middleName | string | no | |
paternalSurname | string | no | |
maternalSurname | string | no | |
sex | string | no | |
string | no | ||
phoneNumber | string | no | Phone number of the subject in E.164 format. |
ipAddress | string | no | |
socialSecurityNumber | string | yes | socialSecurityNumber, 4 or 9 digit |
dateOfBirth | LocalDate | no | Date of birth in yyyy-MM-dd format only |
address | Object | Yes | Only the fields mentioned are required |
address.line1 |
string |
Yes |
address.line2 |
Yes |
address.city |
string |
Yes |
address.postalCode |
string |
Yes |
postal code AKA Zip code |
address.subdivision |
string |
Yes |
subdivision AKA state |
address.country |
string |
Yes |
country should be ISO Alpha 3 Code only |
Example Prepared Data Body
{ "firstName": "xxxxx", "lastName": "xxxx", "middleName": "", "sex": "M", "nationality": "", "phoneNumber2": "", "phoneNumber": "+555****333", "ipAddress": "", "socialSecurityNumber": "123*****", "dateOfBirth": "1970-01-31", "address": { "line1": "123 main street", "postalCode": "9***6" } }
Response data is available for transactions that include the risk signal. For information on transaction data see Viewing or Retrieving Workflow Transactions.
Example Response
ekycSsnVerification": [ { "id": "4da5f259-aaed-4fd9-8283-6a02d5a18476", "credentials": [ { "id": "a94b913f-3fde-4f98-898f-88a0cbaef8b8", "category": "DATA" } ], "decision": { "type": "WARNING", "details": { "label": "MEDIUM_RISK" } }, "data": { "addressMatch": "match", "nameMatchToSsn": "match", "nameMatchToAddress": "partial-match", "phoneMatch": "no-match", "ssnMatch": "match", "dateOfBirthMatch": "no-match", "isDeceased": false, "isSSNIssuedPriorYOB": false } }
Decision Details Labels
Decision Type |
Label |
Description |
Provided data is incorrectly formatted. |
Required data is not available. |
The service encountered an error and was unable to process the request. |
Provided data matches available records. |
Partial matches of provided name to address. |
Provided data does not match available records. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
addressMatch |
string |
nameMatchToSsn |
string |
nameMatchToAddress |
string |
phoneMatch |
string |
ssnMatch |
string |
dateOfBirthMatch |
string |
isDeceased |
string |
The SSN belongs to a deceased person:
isSSNIssuedPriorYOB |
string |
The SSN was issued by the SSA prior to the provided Year of Birth: